Bulk Image Upload

Bulk upload images

Written by Gen Cutajar
Updated over a week ago

Local Viking Has 2 Options on how to Bulk posting Images

  1. The gallery option found at https://localviking.com/gallery, houses all of your locally uploaded images (over the last 10 months) and also allows you to upload images directly in bulk for multiple locations. Check more info http://help.localviking.com/en/articles/5279295-the-image-gallery

  2. Multi-Location Media can be found here https://localviking.com/gmb/multi_location_media/new

Allows you to upload one image into Multiple Locations

Choose a category that you have in your GBP otherwise your image

Fallback to "Additional" Category button, helps you to prevent the image from getting rejected if it doesn't associate with a category that had been chosen

and it will be placed in an additional category

After that just upload an image or choose from a gallery ( all the images that have been uploaded prior)

Choose all the locations that you want to upload your image, or a tag(allows you to group locations)

Last step schedule your image

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