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Posting from GeoBooster to Facebook with Zapier
Posting from GeoBooster to Facebook with Zapier

How to post moments from GeoBooster to Facebook Pages with Zappier

Written by Gen Cutajar
Updated over 7 months ago

Important: Please note that Zapier doesn't allow the creation of multi-image posts, only the first "cover" image from the moment will be published.

First of all, go to and create an account (if you don’t have one). You will need a Premium account to work with webhooks and looping.

  1. Create a new zap: click on “Create zap.”

  2. Set the name of your zap, then type “Webhook” in the search input below the “App event” and click on the “Webhooks by Zapier” in the search results list.

  3. Select “Catch Raw Hook” in the “Event” dropdown and click the “Continue” button.

  4. Copy the “webhook URL”, then go to GrowthBooster web-application, choose your business, proceed to the “Settings” page, paste the URL into the “Zapier webhook” field, and click the “Update” button.

  5. Create a new moment in the GrowthBooster for your business and approve it for publishing.

  6. Go back to Zapier and click on the “Test trigger” button.

  7. It may say something like “We couldn't find a request”, which is OK, because GrowthBooster sends moments to the webhook every 10 minutes. Please wait for 10 minutes and click the “Test trigger” button again.

  8. You should see the “We found a request!” message. Click the “Continue” button below.

  9. You will see the “Action” form. Type in “Code” in the “App event” field and select “Code by Zapier” in the search results below.

  10. Click in the “Event” field and select “Run Javascript” in the dropdown below.

  11. Click on the “Set up action” button.

  12. Type “body” into the “Input Data” field, click in the “Enter text or insert data…” field, and select “Raw Body” in the dropdown.

  13. Copy script below and paste it into the “Code” field:

    output = JSON.parse(inputData.body).map((moment) => {
    return {
    description: moment.description,
    formattedAddress: moment.from_office ? +' office': moment.formatted_address,
    customerName: moment.customer || 'Anonymous customer',
    employeeName: moment.employee?.name ||,
    mainImage: moment.images.length ? moment.images[0].full_url : 'no image',
    secondImage: moment.images.length > 1 ? moment.images[1].full_url : 'no image',
    categoryName: moment.category?.title || 'Uncategorized'
  14. You will get something like this. Click the “Continue” button.

  15. Click the “Test action” button.

  16. You will see something like this. Click the “+” button below.

  17. You will see the “Action” form. Type in “Looping” in the “App event” field and select “Looping by Zapier” in the search results below.

  18. Click in the “Event” field and select “Create Loop From Line Items” in the dropdown below.

  19. Click the “Continue” button.

  20. Type “Media” in the “Values to Loop” field, click in the “Enter text or insert data…” field, select “Run Javascript in Code by Zapier”, and the “Show all options” button.

  21. Select the “Main image” option from the dropdown.

  22. Click the square shaped “+” button to add a new line.

  23. Fill up the “Set up action” form as shown below.

  24. Leave other fields unchanged, scroll down, and click the “Continue” button.

  25. Click the “Test action” button.

  26. You will see “Your loop ran successfully…” message. Click the round “+” button below.

  27. You will see the “Action” form. Type in “Filter” in the “App event” field and select “Filter by Zapier” in the search results below.

  28. Click in the "Choose field..." field and select from the dropdown "2. Run Javascript in Code by Zapier" the "Media" value.

  29. Click in the "Choose condition..." field and select from the dropdown "(Text) Does not contain". Type "no data" in the "Enter text or select data..." field. Click the "Continue" button.

  30. You will see the "Your Zap would have continued" message. Click the round “+” button below.

  31. You will see the “Action” form. Type in “Facebook” in the “App event” field and select “Facebook Pages” in the search results below.

  32. Click in the "Event" field, select "Create Pin", and click the "Continue" button.

  33. Click the "Sign In" button in the "Connect Facebook Pages" section.

  34. A new window will open asking you to authorize on Facebook. Enter your credentials and click the "Log In" button.

  35. You will be asked to grant access to your name and profile picture. Click "Continue as..."

  36. You will be asked to select the Facebook page on which you want to publish your moments. Select it and click the "Next" button.

  37. Click "Done" on the next screen.

  38. You will see the notification that "You've now linked Zapier to Facebook". Click the "OK" button.

  39. You will return to Zapier. (Note, if you see the message that Zapier couldn't connect to your account, please try to connect your Facebook account and grant permissions again). Click the "Continue" button.

  40. Click in the "Page" field and select the Facebook Page you want to publish your moments to. Click in the "Photo" field and select "Create Loop From Line Items in Looping by Zapier", then "Main media".

  41. Click in the "Title" field and select "Create Loop From Line Items in Looping by Zapier", then "Description". (This is just an example, you can tailor the description according to your own tastes). Click the "Continue" button.

  42. Click the "Test Step" button

  43. If everything went smoothly you will see “A Create Page Photo was sent to Facebook Pages…” message. Click the “Publish” button below.

  44. Congratulations! You’ve successfully set up posting from GrowthBooster to Facebook Pages. Your post will look like this.

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